Wednesday 6 February 2013

What have you learnt about technologies from the process of constructing this product?

What have you learnt about technologies from the process of constructing this product?

before starting this course I had never really done a lot of editing but I feel now I have developed my skills greatly especially now I have worked on a MAC I feel that my progress and knowledge has grown a lot. I now feel confident to edit although I was not always sure on what to do I would take it upon myself to ask around for help or start to watch tutorials on YouTube to help me understand what to do. when editing I do feel that Emma was a massive help as if there was something that I wasn't quite sure on she would know what to do as she had done media the year previous and therefore I helped her in return with the blogs. having someone in the group that knew a lot about how to use the software has helped me improve on my skills a lot buy watching and then repeating and therefore learning. I feel that I have made a significant progress in learning how to handle the mac and I know that I would like to go further experimenting more and maybe even expanding my original knowledge to much higher levels.



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