Tuesday 5 February 2013

filming location

for our filming location we choose to use the sovereign Blvd as our filming location as we felt it was necessary to have it is a busy place with a lot of traffic so the we could have an urban/street feel to it. we made sure that we did it quite late so that it has that stereotypical feel of teenagers walking the street at night. In our film we have included a lot of stereotypical things and most of them are contained with in to the location we have set it in. For example we have the bright lights, and the dark setting around it to show the urban scene and we also have the loud noises of cars in the background to show the night life of the city- these are just a few of many that you will be able to spot through out .
one of the things that we have to watch out for when filming in the lighting as we are shooting outside. we are going to have to film all on the same day and make sure that we are able to get a constant lighting throughout so that it doesn't seem scattered.

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