Thursday 7 February 2013

edit- main section

When it came down to editing the main section today we put all of our shots onto the computer and flicked through to see what ones were unsuitable to use (for example ones that were fuzzy and contained a lot of snow). We then put them in the order that we felt matched our animatic. We had to put our filming on to iMovie at first because we found that our camera was not compatible with final cut express and therefore we edited a lot of the film on IMovie and then transferred it all to final cut express.
When editing we tried to use a variety of shot and also we tried to make our transitions between each shot a easy on the eye as possible as we didn't want it to be as harsh on the eye. Shelby and me have added a slow motion into the fighting scene we as we feel that it gives a more dramatic feel to it.
We have added sound effects to the back ground to help set the scene, we found all of the effects on iMovie and this helps to make the audience feel as if they are really there listening to what’s happening.
When editing I feel that my main role within the group was to make sure that everything was running smoothly, as we had a lot of disagreements on what we felt was best to put into the opening. I feel that if we had the chance to do it over again we should have each been given sections to edit and then tried to put it together and then given each other criticism, therefore becoming a group in the way the we edit the final piece. This would have given each of us a bigger role with in to group and helped us each to explore our individual talents with in the group.


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