Wednesday 6 February 2013

title shot

For our title we choses to use this font as we felt this it was a very strong bold font, this helps to show the personality of the main character. We chose to use all capitals so that the font looks a lot bolder, we didn't want to over do the font with crazy edits as we felt that this was not necessary, our research shows that a lot of the conventions of a thriller show to be a very strong font rather then fancy writing and edits. This is because the want to portray the seriousness of the events. 

To edit our titles Emma and I grouped together to choose the font, we narrowed it down t0o a few similar fonts and then chose the one that we liked best, we brainstormed why we liked each one and what one would suite the genre most. In the end we chose to use Copperplate Gothic B. 

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