Wednesday 6 February 2013

How did you attract/address your audience?

How did you attract/address your audience?
If we was put in the situation where this was a real production we would firstly make a film trailer, this would then be advertised for people who obviously enjoy watching television making sure that its on the most appropriate channels, for example for our film would aim to put it on channels like MTV as these are aimed at around about the same age group as our film. we would also put it on channels that play a lot of films to help spread the word about our film to people that like to watch a lot of films and play it in cinemas. we would then go on to making produce posters and merchandise to help promote the film.
to help attract people to watch our film to get comments on our film we have put it on to social networking sites such as our Facebook and from this we were able to get comments on our film to help see how people have viewed it an any improvements that we could have made to it.

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