Thursday 7 February 2013

questionnaire- results

edit- main section

When it came down to editing the main section today we put all of our shots onto the computer and flicked through to see what ones were unsuitable to use (for example ones that were fuzzy and contained a lot of snow). We then put them in the order that we felt matched our animatic. We had to put our filming on to iMovie at first because we found that our camera was not compatible with final cut express and therefore we edited a lot of the film on IMovie and then transferred it all to final cut express.
When editing we tried to use a variety of shot and also we tried to make our transitions between each shot a easy on the eye as possible as we didn't want it to be as harsh on the eye. Shelby and me have added a slow motion into the fighting scene we as we feel that it gives a more dramatic feel to it.
We have added sound effects to the back ground to help set the scene, we found all of the effects on iMovie and this helps to make the audience feel as if they are really there listening to what’s happening.
When editing I feel that my main role within the group was to make sure that everything was running smoothly, as we had a lot of disagreements on what we felt was best to put into the opening. I feel that if we had the chance to do it over again we should have each been given sections to edit and then tried to put it together and then given each other criticism, therefore becoming a group in the way the we edit the final piece. This would have given each of us a bigger role with in to group and helped us each to explore our individual talents with in the group.


audience feedback

to gain some audience feed back we have uploaded our final product to social networking websites such as; facebook and twitter. we found that we have gained a lot of positive feedback from all of our friends. 

'This film is amazing! it looks like a real film opening' Yasmin Ranger 
'I've seen this done so many times, and i still cant get over your voice! I love the continuity shot and how you also put the establishing shot in there' Rebecca Rahman- who is also a media student
'This is really good, well done girls:)' Becky Tierney

evaluation- In what ways does your media product use, develop or challenge forms and conventions of real media products (i.e of film openings.) Using Conventions:

In what ways does your media product use, develop or challenge forms and conventions of real media products (i.e of film openings.) Using Conventions:

 As we have used the thriller genre and therefore we have made our film try to fit within the genre as much as possible. To do this I have researched conventions and used the conglomerate that fits into the genre most and this was 20th century fox. we took shots that created tension and mystery and fit it with all the conventions of a thriller genre.

evaluation- Looking back at your preliminary task what do you feel you have learnt in the progression from it to full product?

Looking back at your preliminary task what do you feel you have learnt in the progression from it to full product?
i feel that the preliminary task has helped a huge amount in gcoming towards our finsihed product as i feel it gave us the basical skills needed in order to create unto of that to finish our final piece. i feel that the progression i have made is a big jump as at the strat of the year i had never really had that much experience in creating any type of film. i now feel confident to edit and create a movie with only a little help for my peers. the thing that i found most help was watching tutorials on youtube that showed us how to use the products.
when we came down to start editing our film we found that the camera we had used was not compatable with 'final cut express' as a result we used our knowledge of what we knew already from previously using it and put our film onto iMovie and then started to create our film and the eventually put it to final cut express to then make any final adjustments that were needed.

Wednesday 6 February 2013

What have you learnt about technologies from the process of constructing this product?

What have you learnt about technologies from the process of constructing this product?

before starting this course I had never really done a lot of editing but I feel now I have developed my skills greatly especially now I have worked on a MAC I feel that my progress and knowledge has grown a lot. I now feel confident to edit although I was not always sure on what to do I would take it upon myself to ask around for help or start to watch tutorials on YouTube to help me understand what to do. when editing I do feel that Emma was a massive help as if there was something that I wasn't quite sure on she would know what to do as she had done media the year previous and therefore I helped her in return with the blogs. having someone in the group that knew a lot about how to use the software has helped me improve on my skills a lot buy watching and then repeating and therefore learning. I feel that I have made a significant progress in learning how to handle the mac and I know that I would like to go further experimenting more and maybe even expanding my original knowledge to much higher levels.



How did you attract/address your audience?

How did you attract/address your audience?
If we was put in the situation where this was a real production we would firstly make a film trailer, this would then be advertised for people who obviously enjoy watching television making sure that its on the most appropriate channels, for example for our film would aim to put it on channels like MTV as these are aimed at around about the same age group as our film. we would also put it on channels that play a lot of films to help spread the word about our film to people that like to watch a lot of films and play it in cinemas. we would then go on to making produce posters and merchandise to help promote the film.
to help attract people to watch our film to get comments on our film we have put it on to social networking sites such as our Facebook and from this we were able to get comments on our film to help see how people have viewed it an any improvements that we could have made to it.