Thursday 27 September 2012


By doing an animatic for our film opening we are able to have a very clear layout of the thing that we need to include such as the type of shots and the positioning in our final piece. We have filmed all of our shots in the order that our final opening will be shot in. 
In our real opening we will have more types of shots, we could not portray this in our animatic as they were just drawings. A few of the shots that we will be using is: close ups, mid shots and many others to help create a feeling of  that fast, outgoing, urban scene. We have used final cut express to help edit it and therefore has helped us in the future when we come to edit the final opening. 

The strengths of our animatic that that of the fact that it will help us in the future by helping us to learn how to edit on final cut express. It also has given us a story board to work from so that we know what to film and where to film it. 
The weaknesses of it is the fact that we found it really hard to show the types of shots that we needed to included because we could not use tracking shots neither panning shots. We also have not chosen the final song that will help to introduce our film to the audience so therefore we could not include it in our animatic. 

When we come to film i feel that our animatic will help us greatly by showing us what we need to film and the time length that we need to film for. 

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