Thursday 17 January 2013

Edit- heart beat section

we started editing our footage today we started by using all of the first section clips that we had gathered and picking the ones that we most favoured when we ran through them we found that we had a bit of an issue with some of the lighting in some clips. The lighting ended to over contrast in sections. Firstly we put them in the order that we wanted them in and then we started to adjust the lighting of the shots- we did this by adjusting the contrast and brightness levels. we then added the heart beat effect behind it, we found this effect on the sound effect options and put it so that the beats sped up as the shots were about to finish, this is then when we added 'flat line heart beat' to add that of tension and as the flat line came is our shots transcended to a black screen. In-between each of the shots we added a black faded in and out screen quickly to help our shots move smoothly.

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